My Life Is Average
Jag vet att jag har bloggat om de här sidorna förut, men de är verkligen en del av mitt dagliga behov!
MLIA - My Life Is Average
Historier om roliga saker som händer. Ibland skrattar jag så jag gråter!
"One day I received a call from an 800 number. Expecting it to be a telemarketer I answered with a sigh and a hello. The response was "Hi there, I'm an annoying telemarketer that's not going to try to sell you something I already know you don't want... how's the weather?" A minute later I heard his boss behind him ask what he was doing followed by a click. Best telemarketer experience ever. MLIA"
"Today, I was fixing my dad's iTunes because he doesn't really know how to use it. I found a song that he titled "more roars". Curious, I clicked on it, and I realized it was a recording of him roaring like a dinosaur. MLIA"
FML - Fuck My Life
Har du en dålig dag ska du gå in på den här sidan, och du kommer må så mycket bättre efteråt. Hemskt, men sant. Vissa människor har extremt dåliga dagar.
"Today I noticed that my daughter was making funny noises which oddly ressembled the sounds my wife makes in bed. When I asked her what she was doing she said "I'm pretending to be mommy from last night." I was on a business trip last night. FML"
TFLN - Texts From Last Night
Helt enkelt sms eller smskonversationer mellan människor. Det är helt sjukt vad folk smsar, ibland väldigt underhållande.
"(235): She pulled a cheeseburger out of her purse. I have missed her so much."
"(514): Take it from a girl who woke up with a girl in her bed... you were not that drunk."
"(212): i want you now! (916): you need to stop dating girls with the same name as your mother...or stop drinking so much...I don't want to see this"
MDT - My Drunk Texts
MLIA - My Life Is Average
Historier om roliga saker som händer. Ibland skrattar jag så jag gråter!
"One day I received a call from an 800 number. Expecting it to be a telemarketer I answered with a sigh and a hello. The response was "Hi there, I'm an annoying telemarketer that's not going to try to sell you something I already know you don't want... how's the weather?" A minute later I heard his boss behind him ask what he was doing followed by a click. Best telemarketer experience ever. MLIA"
"Today, I was fixing my dad's iTunes because he doesn't really know how to use it. I found a song that he titled "more roars". Curious, I clicked on it, and I realized it was a recording of him roaring like a dinosaur. MLIA"
FML - Fuck My Life
Har du en dålig dag ska du gå in på den här sidan, och du kommer må så mycket bättre efteråt. Hemskt, men sant. Vissa människor har extremt dåliga dagar.
"Today I noticed that my daughter was making funny noises which oddly ressembled the sounds my wife makes in bed. When I asked her what she was doing she said "I'm pretending to be mommy from last night." I was on a business trip last night. FML"
"Today, I checked my facebook, and my wife of 5 years was listed as single. I then write on her wall that it is ok to announce to be married. She writes back saying that we have to talk and to come to the kitchen. My wife divorced me over facebook. FML"
TFLN - Texts From Last Night
Helt enkelt sms eller smskonversationer mellan människor. Det är helt sjukt vad folk smsar, ibland väldigt underhållande.
"(235): She pulled a cheeseburger out of her purse. I have missed her so much."
"(514): Take it from a girl who woke up with a girl in her bed... you were not that drunk."
"(304): you kept begging me not to tell anyone you had been a bat in another life"
"(310): ohhhh fuckk. chicks a dude."
"(212): i want you now! (916): you need to stop dating girls with the same name as your mother...or stop drinking so much...I don't want to see this"
MDT - My Drunk Texts
Ja, namnet talar för sig själv.
"(309): Is it still considered walk of shame if his mom drives you home?!"
"(973): But, dude, she had a nice ass. (1-973) she's your fricken cuzin! (973) Well excuse me if good sex runs in the family... "
"(828): you made wolf sounds and yelled "team me" the entire movie"
"(309): Is it still considered walk of shame if his mom drives you home?!"
"(973): But, dude, she had a nice ass. (1-973) she's your fricken cuzin! (973) Well excuse me if good sex runs in the family... "
"(828): you made wolf sounds and yelled "team me" the entire movie"
Postat av: Louise
Jag har en fråga,
Vilken betygssättning föredrar du?
USA´s eller Sveriges?
hehe, bra att veta.
Postat av: ee
tack :D visste bara om FML, ska lätt gå in på de andra också :D